two years ago today....... 2005-12-03 7:31 p.m. Two years ago tonight, December 3, 2003, Iwas in pain. All day. After a very unsuccessful trip to the ER and an incompetent resident, I came home only to get worse. By about this time I had called my mom to come get me off the couch because I was in so much pain I couldn't move. It was time to go *back* to the ER and since it was evening, I was pretty sure THAT doctor wouldn't still be there. Thank GOD he wasn't.

When my mom couldn't help me off the couch because I was in too much pain, the ambulance was called. I think it took 3 or 4 guys but they did it. I mean I was dead ass weight. I couldn't help at all. After laying on a gurney for what seemed like HOURS (peak of flu season, they had even shut down the hospital to outside visitors unless they were wearing face masks) I was finally examined. I don't even really remember what happened in the ER, I was so out of it. But I do know I was being admitted and I had come to find out my worst nightmare. I had a perforated diverticulitis. In laymen's terms, my bowel had blown out. Oh great.

The next night (I think, I can't recall anymore) they moved me to a new room, forgetting to put my oxygen back on and they had me on a morphine pump. The doctor on call had upped my dose of morphine and I was using the pump myself. Not a good combination. All I know is I wake up with nurses SCREAMING at me and shaking me. I tried to listen to them but I kept falling asleep. I couldn't figure out why they were so mad at me. When I came to a bit later I had found out that a nurse had found me unresponsive in my room and went to ask another nurse if I had always looked that bad. Basically they OD'd me on morphine and had I not been found when I was, I would have died. It was a grave error by either the nurse or the physician who ordered the dosage change but I did come around. And let me tell you, my family was NOT happy.

From there I was pumped full of antibiotics for a week, they were hoping it would seal itself. It didn't and it was then decided I needed to have surgery to fix it, have a bunch of my bowel removed AND a temporary colostomy, or what I called "the shit bag". My abdomen was full of infection. Had they not have operated, I could have died from that. It was 3 strikes and I was out at that point. Mind you I hadn't EATEN anything for a week. I wasn't even allowed water. I begged for ice chips and got those. I had a 3 hour surgery with my family waiting on pins and needles in the waiting room. I came out of with tubes in every orifice, not to mention a colostomy. But at least I was alive.

I was in the hospital for another week. 5 days after the surgery I was finally producing gas in my tummy and bowels so the NG tube came out of my nose (that hurt like HELL) and I was allowed to eat. Food never tasted so good!!! A week after surgery I was finally released, December 20th. My release was delayed, due to the fact that I developed pneumonia and couldn't go home until that cleared up. That was hell, having breathing treatments every 4 hours around the clock. I hated the sight of the respiratory therapists but I knew they were doing their job.

So I go home and guess what? My fucking furnace was out! So on that day I had to call the heating/air conditioning guys where they came out and for a whopping $300 I had a part replaced and I finally had heat. And not working all this time, that $300 literally broke me. With the help of my mom who came in to check on me every day and Cassidy who was only 9 at the time, I survived. My wonderful daughter stepped up and made our meals and did what she could to help me out. I had to learn to empty and change a colostomy bag. I had to learn how to get myself showered (thanks to a shower chair) and I had to worry about how I was going to have Christmas presents for my daughter. My brother went and did that for me thank goodness. So I was off work for 6 more weeks, I was bummed during Christmas, got tired easily and to top it off, had a shit bag. I was not in a good place in my life. I became very depressed.

I eventually went back to work at the beginning of February 2004 and got into a normal routine of things. I was dealing with the colostomy very well, it became part of me and it was okay. My insurance paid for all of my supplies so thank goodness that wasn't a worry of mine.

In May of 2004 I went back in for surgery, having the colostomy taken down and reversed. Surgery went great and after another week in the hospital I was finally free. Jax came and stayed with me for like 6 weeks, she took care of me so well and did some things around the house to spruce it up a little bit. After another 7 weeks off work, I went back and lived happily ever after lol.

I lost so much weight, especially the first time. Not eating anything for 2 weeks will do that to ya. Damn I looked good but that was short lived lol.

Anyway, that's my story and I was just thinking about that tonight, it was 2 years ago today I went through all of that.

It was partly due to that experience that I wanted to become a nurse. I had such good nurses at the hospital and I wanted to be just like them. And that's why I made the decision to go back to school. I don't care what anybody says, its the nurses who do all the work and caring for the patient.

And I can't wait until that's me in the scrubs, instead of in the bed.

The End.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!