pop goes the weasel 2005-12-04 12:13 p.m. So I went out to my car a bit ago to sweep off my car....yes I said sweep, there is that much snow!

I wanted to get it started up to make sure it would start and to get it warmed up.

I sat down and there was what looked like ice crystals all over the inside of my car. I'm like what the heck? It's all over my seats, steering wheel, console, everywhere. And my car has a hint of a sweet smell.....

I look at the cup holder. MY KID left a whole unopened can of diet mountain dew in my car and it exploded!!! ALL OVER MY CAR!!! I grabbed the can and went to come back into the house. Coming up the curb I hit the dust. I mean I went head first into the pavement. Luckily I wasn't hurt at all. You know, it's all that cushion I have lol.

So guess who went out and tried to clean it up? That's right HER!

So she says "oh, I thought about that, I forgot to go get it" Which coming from her means this "oh I thought about that, but I was too lazy to go out and get it, because I didn't care, and that'll be YOUR job to clean it up"

So really there's not much we can do about it until it starts to melt a bit. I'll leave my car on for a bit and see what happens.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!