manic monday 2005-12-05 9:17 p.m. I am hereby declaring that I will now use a song title for every diary entry. Let's hope I remember!

Did I say it's my second to last day of school?? Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say that I have 4 tests next week? No, I didn't? Well I have 4 effin tests next week and still one this week.

It was nice knowing all of you but this week I may just go MIA (well not from putting up entries lol) but as far as any other online activity such as messengers and things, you might have to send out a search party for me.

And to top it off, we have 2 basketball games this week. Great, the week before finals? Just what I need! Grrrrrrrrrrr.

I got a 98 on my rough draft term paper. The only things I messed up on was some punctuation. So I opened up my term paper, fixed the errors and printed out another copy of that bad boy. Cross your fingers I get a 100!

I'm just so stressed out with school right now and other stupid ass drama going on, I hope it'll just settle down for a few days so I can buckle down a bit.

I was just bitching about how I needed new gloves, the ones I had I had for YEARS and they were wearing pretty thin. And today at school I lose them! So I picked up the kid from school and we headed off to Kohl's to get us both gloves and her a hat since everything was 50% off. Now I'm sporting cool, soft, comfortable black gloves. And my god it's like 3 degrees here or something, so they are much needed.

So as the doc was handing out the term papers today, he just started at Bimbo because he didn't have one to hand back to her. So I asked her where hers was. She said she didn't hand one in. Who doesn't just hand in a term paper? That was like 100 points gone! Even if it was crap, you still hand it in and get as much credit as you can. She had it sitting there in her folder! For as long as I live on this great Earth, I will never understand how that girl thinks. But just trying to figure that out would take way more time than I have to sacrific so I basically give up. There's only one week left anyway. She's in her third year and as far as I know she's failing both of those classes. That's her thing to figure out, not mine. I don't know, maybe she'll just toss her blond tendrils, show off her perfectly manicured nails and bat her perfect lined eyes and she'll get a passing grade. Who knows. Thank God that won't work because if it did, I'd be in BIG trouble. I don't have blond tendrils, my nails are natural and short (for typing) and most of the time I don't even wear make-up. Thank GOD I have brains to get me through! HA!

So the big rumor in Hollywood is that K-Fed got booted out of the Spederline household. We saw pictures of his ferrari being repo'd. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Everybody thinks it's just temporary. I for one, hope not. That girl shoulda got out before he trapped her ass with his ghetto sperm. I tell ya what, in about 5 years Britney is going to look ridiculous in her Bentley driving little Sean Preston to a trailer park for visitation with his daddy. Wait!!!! What am I thinking??? For all the money Britney will have to pay his broke ass, he'll be living in the Hollywood Hills. I hope that Sean Preston's first words are "da-da loser". Now that would be worth a magazine cover or 12.

Enough drama, I have enough going on with me to last 12,000 entries.


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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!