i'm dreaming of a white trash christmas... 2005-12-11 10:05 p.m. I'm taking a tad bit of a break here (NO I didn't watch any Sunday night TV, I DVR'd it though).

Why didn't I watch Sunday night TV you ask? Partially because I am studying but mostly because I went to be my mom's "date" for the Club Christmas party or what I now affectionately call the "white trash Christmas party". I really didn't want to go and had even told my mom last night that I couldn't because of all of the studying I had to do. But I decided it was a free meal and drinks so why the heck not?

Just as I was finished getting ready Terri called me and she and the girls were stranded at her place of work, her van died AGAIN and they needed a ride home. New battery - check. New alternator - check. Van died again - check. Man what the hell is the problem then???? I gather she will find out tomorrow. That poor woman I can't even imagine! Although I knew she was pissed and not in the best of moods, I tried to lighten the mood and told her that's what she gets for driving a mini-van!!!!!! ha ha ha

Dropped them off then ran Cass to her friend's house for a few hours and headed to the club. I sat down at this huge table where I barely knew anybody. Hell my mom doesn't even know everybody and she works there. But I guess help comes and goes. I also needed to go because I cleaned out the kid's closet and drawers again this afternoon and I had two sacks of close for Jami, one of the gals who works there. I give all of Cassidy's outgrown clothes to Jami, she has 5 girls!!!! She said that we gave them so much at the beginning of school that she didn't even have to buy any school clothes for a few of them. That really makes me happy to know that I can help somebody out like that. I've gotten hand-me-down clothes before and let me tell you, it sure helps! (My kid is a size small in juniors and a size 0 or 1 jean in juniors, anybody have any clothes? Anyone? Bueller?).

So finally after him hawing around for 30 minutes we finally dug into the food. It was a potluck thingie and everything was just delicious. We got two free drink tickets and I used one of them for a diet coke. Everybody was pretty much getting loaded off whatever but that was the last thing I needed to do. Studying drunk? I don't think so. Plus the reality of the situation is, I need a helluva lot more than two drink tickets to get me wired! After eating we all kind of sat around and visited and I got some good gossip on some of these people. For instance the cook, he had an Ace wrap on his hand which I found out was because he had just recently gotten out of jail (he's out on bond or something) and he hit the wall of the jail and broke his hand. People are pressuring the manager to fire him but she said she can't because he hasn't been convicted yet. Can you believe that? You know you are hard up for help when you are glad your cook is out on bond so he can work. Then they handed out bonuses which I guess was weird because not everybody got one and that looks kind of tacky when you are doing it in front of the whole crowd. But hey, I was happy just eating the food so I didn't care. After that I visited for a bit more with Jami, gave her the clothes, and then high tailed it out of there because somebody brought karaoke and some old guy had the microphone shoved in his mouth and we couldn't understand a single word he sang and he butchered Christmas songs really bad and the gal who brought it was coming to me to start singing. I knew it was time for my exit. I was SOOOOO not in the mood to sing and all I really wanted to do was leave, with my full tummy of course.

So I went and picked up the kid and talked to Abby's mom for a bit. She gave me a plate of sugarless sugar cookies they had made and Cass helped with and she showed me their prized cat. I told her the cat was cute and all, but I was allergic so don't be offended if I don't pet her and love on her. She really is cute, but if I had touched that cat I'd be suffering the rest of the night. Oh and the sugarless sugar cookies really are good. She doesn't eat sugar. And she runs like 5 miles every day (even in the snow) and she has a very nice figure. So good for her, and her figure makes me sick! Anyway.....

I got home and made sure my TV shows were taping and got online for a bit and then hit the books again. That brings me to now, and now I have to get back to it.

I have never seen so many bad dye jobs and rotten teeth in one room before. It was quite surreal.

Anyway, back to it......

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!