crash into me..... 2005-12-12 3:22 p.m. Today couldn't have been any worse. Okay, I take that back, it could be but still.

I was running a tad bit late to school(what else is new?) and as I pull into the parking lot, ready to turn down an aisle to go park, this bitch who is coming out of that same row takes the corner short and RAMS INTO ME!! She didn't even once look over my direction. I mean if you're turning left wouldn't you want to LOOK left before you turn that direction? BOOM KABLAM CRUNNNNNCH almost headfirst right into the pinto. She mouths "I'm so sorry" and by now I'm pissed because I've just been hit and it's 5 minutes until class and whatthefuckamigoingtodo???? I get out of the car and she runs over to my car and gives me her name and cell number. The poor girl is shaking like a leaf. I tell her I'll call her when I'm done with my test and I proceeded to run into school and take a test.


I go in and take the first test. Got a 95, very cool. I have a half an hour break before my final exam so I go out to survey the damage and then figure out what I'm going to do from there. I'm on the phone and the next thing I knew a cop pulls up and asks if I'm the owner of the vehicle. I tell him yes. Apparently the girl stayed and called the cops and reported the accident (which was the right thing to do and if I wasn't in "the zone" I would have too) So I gave all the info to the cop and then he proceeded to very gently rip me a new asshole about not waiting for the cops and going in and taking the test instead. I told him I wasn't thinking clearly at that point (I wasn't) and that I didn't even think about it. He told me he'd have to talk to his superior but that I may get charged for leaving the scene of an accident.

SAY WHAT?????????

So that's when I started bawling hardcore, sobbing and the whole nine yards. It wasn't an act, I was freaking out as soon as I heard "And you may be charged...." I couldn't believe it. I've never been charged for ANYTHING! Well besides maybe overdraft fees when my account went a little over but as far as criminal history I'm clean as a fucking whistle. He did mention that I didn't technically "leave" since I parked my car right there, went into the school and they could have tracked me down if need be. So he left and I stayed outside for a bit and tried to get myself together before my final. I took some deep breaths and finally I was ready to go back puffy eyes and all.

I took that fucking final and attacked that piece of paper like it was nobody's damn business. I found out later that I only missed 3 on the test and adding some extra points to it, I got a 99!!!! On my fricken final exam in A&P!!!! So that made me happy at least. Took my Psych test and didn't do nearly as good on it as I usually do with all of the hubbub I didn't get that last minute studying in which really would have helped. But oh well, I'll get an A in that class anyway.

I went and got my final grade for A&P and told my professor about the accident. He seemed sympathetic about it all. He gave me my grade, told me I was a very good student and that I did an excellent job and to have a Merry Christmas. I told him the same and left.

I got home around 1:00 and called the gal's cell phone but she didn't answer. I left her a voicemail apologizing for how I handled the situation and thanked her for staying there and calling the cops. She was nice, but very short to me on the phone. Hey that's cool though, I mean she did just nail me today and her parents are gonna be pissed and her car insurance will more than likely go up. So really, she wasn't wanting to be my new best friend today. And I can deal with that, since she didn't even once look my way before she plowed right into me.

I called my insurance agent and explained everything to her and she was very nice and she's going to handle absolutely everything from getting the police report, calling the insurance company and getting it all handled. So the question posed is this.....I may have had more than $1,000 damage done to my car. The blue book on my car is right around $1300 so will my car be totaled out? Who knows. And the biggest question of all is......Will Joey be a criminal? Will her mug shot rival those of Nick Nolte and James Brown? Will she be on American's Most Wanted? Will I get a call from John Walsh? I guess only time will tell.

Nah, my stepdad is a cop and he said that the accident happened on private property and I didn't really "leave" so I won't get charged and I'm fairly certain I won't either.

So that was MY day. It sucked big time. But at least I came out of it unscathed grades wise and I wasn't hurt, which is the most important thing. And that chick's insurance is gonna have to pay me good. So all in all it's like buttttahhhh.

Gotta run and get ready to take the kid to a basketball tournament and stop by my insurance agent's office to fill out some paperwork.

Merry Christmas!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!