its beginning to look alot like christmas 2005-12-16 11:17 a.m. Yikes that turkey sandwich on toast is kicking my ass. But anybody who knows me knows my bowels have been rebelling against me and counterattacking me for YEARS. So when other people get crampy tummy problems they freak out,'s just another day. That is one thing one should NEVER have to adjust to but for me, it's just part of my life. What can I say?

I've been very busy trying to get ready to go out of town tonight. There was a bunch of laundry that was done yesterday and last night, lists that were made and other preparations. I am a list maker. People make fun of that. But most of the time I don't forget anything. I see that this behavior has rubbed off on my daughter. Except she went off the Richter scale last night with it. She not only made a list, she made it on the computer on a spread sheet, listing all of the outfits she would wear, when she would wear them and where she would wear them. That's a bit much, even for me. Nice to see my compulsion with lists isn't genetically wasted huh?

So this weekend it's Christmas with my dad and stepmom. My sister, her boyfriend and our kids are going to be the only ones there. Out of 5 kids and 11 grandkids that's it. My stepmom's kids are ungrateful little bastards who still at the ages of 31 and 34 still blame their mother for everything that has gone wrong in their lives. Hey kids, you're over 30 with kids of your own, get the fuck over yourselves!

Okay, now I feel better!

So I'll be gone from tonight until probably late Sunday afternoon. It will be a nice trip away, granted the weather cooperates. Which it sounds like it's not going to. I'm taking tihs personally, I don't know why Mother Nature is torturing me like this. Doesn't she know about the HUGE phobia I have with driving on ice?

Other than that, not a whole lot going on around here. I'm just relaxing, watching TV because I CAN and hell I even have a book I'm going to start. And I'm going to read that whole thing and enjoy every second of it!!!

I went and got my oil changed last night. I walked in there at 4:15 and asked for an oil change and he walked up to the desk at 4:30 telling me it was all done. On what planet does that EVER happen??? He also checked and topped off all my fluids and put air in all four of my tires because they were a bit low. I paid more than I usually do but it was worth it. I did find out that a car wash and a vacuum is included in that price. He asked me if I wanted that but I said no because I thought that was extra. Now I find out that was included. Why didn't he tell me that? I could have used a car wash and vacuum! Oh well, you live and your learn. But next time I'll go back there and have them do it all. So just knowing I got the car all checked out makes me feel safer driving. Because believe me, I need all the help I can get when driving on the interstate in the wintertime. The more secure I feel about things the better.

I'm sure I'll take 100 pictures and put them on my flickr next week. We should have a lot of fun.

We are also going to see my mom's best friend who is in the hospital there failing from lung cancer. It's sad really and she's not doing so well. If we get up there and find out that she's not allowed anybody but family we are going to tell them we're her nieces. I think it will be good for us to see her again because the Lord only knows if or when we'll see her again. You have to realize this woman has been in our lives our entire lives, she has been like a part of our family. You couldn't go anywhere and see my mom without seeing her. My mom is really having a hard time with it. I know if she goes soon my mom will REALLY have a hard time dealing with it. She's just now having a hard time dealing with not spending every moment with her. If she's no longer around, well I don't know what my mom will do. Let's all say a prayer and hope she gets better okay? At this point she's too sick to even start chemo. They are just focusing on trying to get her lungs healthy and not have her on a ventilator. It's basically touch and go. I just hope she improves so she can at least go home again. We shall see.

And with that, I need to go back to it. I'm so restless today. The last place I wanna be is in front of a damn computer working. I have so much to do, I have to pack up all our stuff, go get a gift card for my dad and stepmom for Christmas and see if I have time to mail a box, fill up the car and hit the road.

Wish me luck, I'd like to make it there in one piece!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Do something fun!!!!

P.S. Have you heard that Sean Paul song? Ummmm why does he rap when nobody can understand a single word he is saying? Why is he smoking cheese????? "Just give me the cheese and make me smoke it ya'll" I didn't know you could smoke cheese but I have a feeling if you can, Spederline knows all about it!
P.S.S. Did you read that Bobby and Whitney are coming back for a Christmas episode of "Being Bobby Brown?" That's freakin holiday gold people! If you don't have Bravo or whatever channel they are going to air it on, go to somebody's house that does!! You have to see it. I know I'll be sitting by the TV, drinking a jug of eggnog and doing a few lines of sugar just to celebrate with them. Jax didn't think it was funny when I started changing the words to a well known Christmas carol..... Crack pipes roasting on an open fire/ Cocaine nipping at your nose/ Incoherent carols being sung by a star And Whitney dressed up like a tweaked out ho.... Anyway, you get the picture.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!