joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea 2005-12-19 8:31 p.m. So the pinto is seriously rebelling against me. She hasn't been wanting to start very easily in the morning with the cold weather. This afternoon when I went to warm her up before picking up the kid from practice she didn't want to start at all. It took about 4 or 5 tries. I'm starting to be a bit worried. Is something really wrong or is it just because it's cold? Is it a combination of both? She's never not started before. Even in the deadest of winters she's always fired up. I'm a bit concerned but I'll ride it out as long as possible.

Working 8 hours today was such a breeze. It was weird, I felt like I hadn't even worked. I know that doesn't make a bit of sense but it's the truth. And I missed a fricken meeting today I'm mad about that. I had my appointment book covered up and didn't even bother to look at my schedule today. So I'll email that gal tomorrow and apologize for missing it. It was my stupidity. I need to start putting my appointments on my hotmail calendar again that way they come to my cell phone.

We got a few groceries tonight, cooked a big pot of spaghetti, baked some sugar cookies and that's about it. A pretty low key night for us. My next door neighbor Megan asked us if we wanted another gold fish. And my answer was HELL NO! I'm done with fish. I don't like to eat them and I don't like to have them for pets.

I'll take my sorry ass out of here. Goodnight.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!