you shook me all night long 2005-12-21 9:10 a.m. Better late than never right?????

Yes, we finally got our Christmas tree up last night. I pulled out the ole tree and put it together and then we decorated it up. Looking at it from a ways away it's totally lopsided and not that pleasing to the eye, but dammit it's up and that's all that counts in my book. I just wanted to get it over with and Cass was all "Geez mom, you really hate Christmas don't you?" You know what? I don't really hate Christmas, at least I don't consciously hate it at all. But every year I get the same bitchy, hurry up and get it over with attitude and I'm not sure even sure why. I hate that I do that. I guess I just need to put on a smile and go with it. After all, I am THE PRO at doing that!!!

Tonight it's out for supper with Jada and our little gift exchange. We got her "Finding Neverland" on DVD. She loved that movie. I did too. It rocked. She's a big Johnny Depp fan (although I'll NEVER understand why) so I hope this brings her some joy. We really had a nice talk last night on the phone. We spoke longer than usual and VERY late for her! She's usually home and bathed and in bed lots earlier than I am. But it was like 10:45 before we got off the phone. She went to a funeral of a 14 y/o yesterday, a niece of a friend of ours, and she just had alot to say about it and about life in general. Sometimes things like that make you gain a perspective you didn't have before. It was cool though. So I'm going to have a yummy yummy piece of marinated chicken tonight and baked potato. I am going to be in HEAVEN!

So I totally caught up with somebody from WAY back on Myspace and we've been talking back and forth. I didn't graduate with him, actually my brother did. But they were friends in high school, involved in the very same activities, etc. He has such a great outlook on life and a perspective that nobody else in my life has so it's been nice talking back and forth with him. Don't worry ya'll it's nothing like a love connection, his "husband" might not like that ha ha ha. And as far as I can remember, he never DID like girls. But it's cool. He has a view that I really need right now.

I'm just meeting all kinds of old people here lately. My sister told me she's been totally running into people from her past too here lately. Must be the time of year or something. It's all weird just how the universe does that. But I do believe there is purpose for everything so I'll just go with it.

Cass and I were cracking up in the car last night when that Sean Paul song came on and I pointed out the part where it sounds like he's saying "Just give me the cheese and make me smoke it ya'll". She just giggled her little heart out about it. It was such a blast. God I love that kid more than anybody else in this world.

Well I guess that's all I have for now.

I woke up really late this morning for work, I forgot to set my alarm. So now I'm scrambling to try and catch up. I hate that. Damn alarm clock!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!