i'm dreaming of a white christmas 2005-12-25 8:15 p.m. Merry Merry Christmas!

My day started out very delightful, as I got to sleep in till about 10 or so. THen my mom called and wanted me to come over for biscuits and gravy but I declined, due to the fact that I didn't know when Cass would be home and I didn't want to miss her. So she said she'd deliver it. Talk about service!!!! So she brought it all over and I had me a fabulous breakfast. I called and Cass said she'd be home around 11:45 and I was so excited! I couldn't wait since she hadn't opened my presents yet. I do have them all posted on flickr. With my presents and the presents she missed opening at mom's last night, she had about 10 of them ready for her. She came home late (imagine that) but she opened them all and loved all of them! Then we hung out and watched one of her DVD's I got her (some Jessie McCartney DVD) and then we decided to go have a nice dinner. I got home just in time to start my 3-11:30 shift at work. She's been busy doing things on the computer, downloading music and watching DVD's and TV. I don't think she'll be scarred for life from me working tonight, I guess I'll find out in about 10 years.

She was excited because she got an mp3 player at her dad's house. But the great thing was they didn't know how to put mp3's on it. I laugh at that. She said she got one song on there but that was it. I told her she needs to bring it here and we'll both do it. But she won't do it darn it!!! That kid is sooooooo spoiled it's not even funny. I think she had a great Christmas and I'm so glad for that.

It ended up being a better Christmas for me than I thought. I had just the right amount of time to reflect and time with my daughter. And reflect I did. But then again, I'm always reflecting, even if I don't say it.

I'm so looking forward to 2006. I think it will be just as busy if not busier, more rewarding and full of love and laughter. And that's what I need right now.

Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you ate well, loved much and laughed often.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!