happy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2006-01-01 10:23 p.m. I swear I'm still alive even though that seems questionable. I haven't been anywhere near a computer the last few days. I've been off and so far away from here.

Yesterday we went to Kearney with Jada and Karen and did some shopping and got some good bargains. Then we had supper at Old Chicago in Kearney because it was not only New Years Eve, but it was Karen's birthday so she got to pick the supper spot. We told them it was her birthday and we all got this huge chocolate chip cookie to share and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her.

Then we came home and relaxed for a while and went to see "The Family Stone" at the theater that started at 10:20. It was okay. Not my favorite movie. Don't spend the money on it at the theater, just rent it on DVD when it comes out. For real.

We got out of the movie at about 12:10 and it was already 2006!! I got a text message on my phone and it was from my sister. It came in at 12:03 AM. It simplty said "Happy Shit". I died laughing. In fact, we all died laughing and kept saying Happy Shit to each other the rest of the night. I came to find out today that my sister thought if she wished everybody a shitty year it would turn out good since normally you wish everybody a great year and it turns to shit. She was using reverse psychology here. I don't know if it'll work but we sure got a laugh out of it!

Today my mom called and wanted to hit another movie and needed somebody to go with. So we went along and saw "Rumor Has It" with Jennifer Aniston. It was pretty cute. Not an Oscar winner by any means but cute and there were some funny parts. Much better than "The Family Stone". No offense but Sarah Jessica Parker will ALWAYS be Carrie Bradshaw so it's weird seeing her in movies. I'm like "why is this chick riding in a car in the suburbs? We all know she lives in New York City and what's with the hair? That's so not Carrie at all". I had to stop myself and realize Carrie Bradshaw isn't a real person and I need to stop treating her that way. I feel like a little kid who found out on Christmas that Santa wasn't real. It's such a kick in the ass.

Tonight consisted mostly of "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" marathon on the Family Channel and closet reorganization 2006 was officially undertaken. We took down the Christmas tree and packed it all back up as well as completely rearranged and organized my closet. It looks so nice in there. Then we decided to move onto Cassidy's closet. Why? I have no idea. What an undertaking THAT was!! We have lived in this apartment for exactly one year and I couldn't BELIEVE all the shit we took out of her room. I'm talking 3 garbage bags full of trash and old toys and crap she no longer wanted. She has a big tote set up for stuff she's going to sell on the garage sale come spring. We stopped for a few and ran to KMart and got her one of those plastic drawer organizer thingies for her closet. It's plastic and it has 6 drawers in it and now all of her stuff is organized. After some KFC for supper and a few more episodes of EMHE on the DVR, it brings me here, where I am updating this and getting ready to head to bed. I'm exhausted. The kid has practice at 7 AM (I mean WTF? 7 AM during school break?????). I have one more day off tomorrow and I couldn't be more glad. Such a shame I won't be able to sleep in later but oh well.

And with that I'm out of here. Hope everybody had a wonderful New Years and Christmas! I'm looking forward to 2006 with my friends and family. It's gonna be good.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!