Now I ain't sayin she's a gold digger 2006-01-25 6:46 a.m. Ahhh it must be break time. It's peanut butter toast eating time anyway.

Last night I shouldn't have even made an entry. I was crabby and didn't feel good. I'm tired of not feeling good at night. I'm tired of the headaches off and on every day and tired of feeling nauseated. Waaaa waaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Moving on, I just want to put out my two cents (or 10 cents) on the whole Amy Fisher/Buttafucco thing that is currently in the news. They are planning a "reunion" on TV in front of cameras (how convenient) so that the world can see a "happy ending". Am I the only one who thinks this is all bullshit? Why do they care what we want or think about it all? It was like light years ago. They've all moved on, good for them. Then Amy Fisher had to come out with a book I don't know, like a year ago or so? Now they are "shopping networks" (read: trying to get some stupid network to overpay them because they are greedy money hungry mongers) and trying to get their story out there for all the world to see. Guess what guys? I'm not watching it. I think it's just a ploy so they can all get a little fatter in the checkbook and they can probably make more money together than going on TV separately. I don't like it one bit. And I for one won't be watching it. That's SO last decade.

So only speculation can come out on this one but somebody or something moved out of my neighbors apartment yesterday. We got home and there was a U-Haul there and a few things were going in but it wasn't packed by any means. We both gasp like "No, they can't move out, they can't do this to US"!!! But they still have everything intact in their living room, no signs of anybody moving out and the car has been there so I have NO CLUE as to what's going on. Is one of them moving out? Lord I hope not, she's like 5 months pregnant with his kid, I'd be upset if I heard that. So right now I'm left to just speculate and I'm not even doing that. I'm going to just pretend I didn't see that U-Haul yesterday. Yep, that's what I'll do.

Started watching the first part of "Brokeback Mountain" yesterday. We had like the first hour downloaded. The scenery is just beautiful. I've only seen like the first 40 minutes so I haven't really seen much yet, enough to see where they are going with it. But I'm sure I'll get to see all of it tonight. It's worth seeing, just for the cinematography alone. If you can get past the fact that they are two cowboys who fuck around a bit with each other. Which I can get around just fine. But boy do they do it in a beautiful setting.

Well the peanut butter toast is long gone and it's about time to wake up the kid so I better get along now.

P.S.--Kanya West posing as Jesus on the cover of Rolling Stone? Now I like me some Kanye just like the next guy but I think that's a bit too much. Especially with his political remarks he made at such a horrible time and he used a tragedy to get across his own selfish agenda. Rapper - very good at what he does. Politician - leave it to the REAL politicians Kanye and give me my "Gold digger". ***

That is all.

*** This is my opinion. If you don't like it, go put YOUR opinion on YOUR diary. Thank you.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!