Dance the night away 2006-02-04 10:32 p.m. What a fun night!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't going to update but I had to because I uploaded new pics and put them on my flickr account. And let me tell you, this video feature on my new camera rocks your socks off!!!! Video with sound and awesome quality. Oh and you can play the videos and look at the pictures on your TV. Camcorder what? I have a camcorder bastards!

So here they were on the last song which was "Footloose". I didn't get the ones they did onstage because they were just too darn dark. But she happened to be right by me here which was rather convenient!

Afterwards I gave her a big hug and kiss and took some pictures of her, Abby and Allie. They were all pumped up.

AFterwards Jax, Jada and I went to Perkins where Jax and I had dessert since we had eaten supper earlier and Jada had supper. We had a great meal and then sat around and yapped and had a great time.

And now we're home. Abby's mom Shelly just called a bit ago and asked us to go to a movie with her tomorrow at 4:00. I was SHOCKED beyond belief. She first called to see what I thought of the performance. Then asked us to a movie. I think we'll go and just tape the Super Bowl. Now we just gotta figure out what to do with Cassidy.

It shocked me because I'm finding out so much about Shelly. Just goes to show that I never really put myself out there before. When it came to parents of friends and such I kept my distance and wasn't social because I always thought I'd never TRULY be accepted because I was a single mom, didn't have a husband and 2.3 kids, drive a mini van and have a dog. And come to find out, I am no different than they are and I can be accepted for who I am around them. The two parents that I've gotten to know really well (consequently their daughters are good friends of Cassidy) both bitch about their husbands and call them assholes and all of this and then it makes me GLAD I didn't ever remarry and get myself stuck in a marriage that may not have worked and been unhappy. Yes folks, I'm quite happy the way I am and I don't ever see that changing. Besides, I make and have much more money single. Thank you Uncle Sam *salutes*

Shit what was my point here? Well she asked us to a movie and I think we're going to go. She's a hair stylist at this big fancy salon and spa here in town and have always considered her "uppity". Her hair is always perfect, her makeup flawless and she's tall (taller than me even and that's hard to do) and she's thin as a rail because she runs something like 6 miles a day or something. I never really thought I "fit in" with her and her little friends. And here she calls me and asks me to a movie and I was shocked. And I'm going I think and will enjoy myself.

So weird how the world spins huh?

I shall leave you with the cutest picture. I saved the best for last ha ha ha ha!!!! This is me on my first birthday. What a looker I am huh?

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!