Spending my money like it's going out of style 2006-02-04 4:56 p.m. Now that I have a few minutes here I'll sit down and write something. Not sure what yet but I'll make it up as I go along.

I've had a busy few days. The big news this week was my new car and will always be my new car. I'm alot more used to it now, I've been driving it ALOT. And I'm officially in love with it but that shouldn't be news.

School yesterday. It was okay. Test next Friday. We looked at sheep brains in Lab, how exciting! It wasn't really and the stuff they use to preserve it smells like utter shit and makes me want to gag. Smells exactly how it smelled in high school biology. You'd think they'd come up with some advance on how to make dead things being dissected in classrooms smell better. But what do I know?

After school I went and paid 1 years full insurance *chokes* on my car. It almost killed me. But it's one less headache I'll have to deal with for a whole year. Now all I have to do is get the title to my car and I'll pay the taxes and registration fees. *chokes again* This shit is expensive. But I did it during a time of year when I can afford it. It still sucks to kiss that much money goodbye. It was nice knowing you.

After getting the pookie from school we made a trip to Walmart. Which cost me $337. Damn me! It was all good though because I got a brand new kick ass, my-camera-is-better-than-your-camera digital camera. It's another Kodak only it's about 8 steps up. It's 6.1 megapixels with an out of this world zoom lens, microphone, speakers, video capability, and everything else on it I don't need that I don't know how to use yet. I also got a cute little bag with a shoulder strap that I'll carry it around in because I am a camera dropper. And a cell phone dropper too. I'm a dropper in general. It's in my genes.

Last night we took off and went to this girl Shannon's house (she's in my class) and Jax fixed her computer. After that we went home but stopped at Perkins and had a nice little supper then went and browsed around Hastings Bookstore before coming home. Came home and got almost all of "Brokeback Mountain" watched before the DVD pooped out on us. Damn it I have to see the end!!

This morning we got cleaned up and went to the YMCA and I got a full year membership for Cass and I and I paid for a locker for a year. I am really looking forward to this. Now I can go work out and take the kid with me and she can be in activities and we'll have fun. We took a nice tour of the place and I think I'll really like it. I'm looking forward to it and I think we're going to go tomorrow. I paid an arm and a leg for the place, I might as well get started.

From there it was shopping here and there. Found a cute new juniors store over by Kohl's that has pretty reasonable prices and I ended up picking up Cass a cute little pink T-shirt that had Twizzlers on the front and a cute pink zipper down hooded sweatshirt for her to wear around. Then it was off to Shopko where I *drum roll please* bought 2 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts! Can you believe that shit? I NEVER NEVER NEVER buy myself new clothes and especially never that many at the same time! So I was pretty pround. And I got a cute outfit for the show choir performance tonight so I couldn't be happier!

Cass had show choir camp all day today and tonight we see the final product. I can't wait. And now I'll have my new kick ass digital camera to take pictures and videos! How much do I rock?

I'm a gadget girl, I'll admit it. I go the whole year without hardly spending money and certainly not on myself if I do. This is my one time of year to splurge and I'm doing just that. I also stuck a HUGE chunk into my savings account (yes I have one whoda thunk it?) for our vacation this summer.

Paying for everything ahead of time? Paying a whole year ahead? Putting money into savings? Paying cash for things when I can afford it? Working out? Jesus, it's like overnight I became an adult.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!