Do the girl scout cookies cancel out my workouts? 2006-03-05 6:57 a.m. Ah samoas you're killing me.

Last night was movie and CD swap night. Jada brought over a ton of CD's and DVD's I would like copies of. She did the same for me. I bought a pack of 100 blank DVD's and 100 blank CD's. I think I should be good to go for the rest of my life it seems.

First she came over for supper. Jax had made BBQ chicken in the crockpot and I made cheesy mashed potatoes, corn and rolls and Jada brought dessert, which was angel food cake, strawberries and fat free whipped cream. It was a total guilt-free dessert. She also brought over a bag of tequila key lime chicken wings. They were delicious. So all in all we ate like rock stars. After listening to the hockey game on the radio and figuring out what everbody wants, we watched her DVD "Modern Problems". I guess it's really really old, some Chevy Chase movie. I didn't think it was as great as they thought it was but whatever. Plus it was pitch dark in the living room, after 10:00 and that is the recipe for me falling asleep during the movie. The movie got over a bit after 11 and then Jada left. I had to work at 5:30 this morning and I was exhausted. I pretty much zonked out as soon as I hit the pillow. It really sucks that I can barely stay up after 11:00 on weekends anymore. The days of the wild all-nighters are over. It sucks.

So the ex Eric called last night. He apologized for how he handled things 5 FRICKEN YEARS AGO. I was all whatever. I told him I didn't need an apology from him whatsoever. I said if he needed to apologize for himself then okay but I was over it all long ago, I had moved on and it was no big deal. Then he asked me if I was seeing somebody. I wasn't sure what he was trying to get at there. Was he just curious? Was he wanting to ask me out? I have no clue but I squashed any hope of us EVER getting back together. And I don't feel bad about it. That's one road I'd NEVER go back down. It wasn't even that great the first time, why would I go down it a second? No thank you. Take your microscopic sized penis elsewhere. I'm sure there's a girl out there that says "size doesn't matter" and truly means it. Blah. I'm done talking about this. It's old uncared about news.

Tonight is the school carnival. Should be fun. The cake walk is going to kill me. Why do I have to love sweets like I do? My ass is yelling about it right now.

Speaking of my ass, I've been getting myself into a very light jog while working out. Now that may seem like nothing to some but for me that's a great big deal. Who knew my fat ass could jog? I figure the longer I jog the better. Believe me, I don't jog for a great amount of time. AT ALL. But everybody has to start somewhere and the more I do it the farther I can go doing it and maybe someday I'll be jogging the whole time. That would be super cool. My new motto is if I'm not dripping sweat I'm not working hard enough. And when I jog I drip sweat. Sweet deal.

And my advice for the day is: It's better to be pissed off than pissed on.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!