Twilight zone 2006-03-04 9:42 p.m. If today hasn't been one long ass day then I don't know what.

It started at 4:30 AM with the blare of my alarm clock, a shower at 4:50 and arriving to work at 5:25 AM. I worked my butt off all day (I know, can you believe it?) finished a report that took me an hour and a half to do and took off for the college to meet my teacher. After spending an hour with her and knowing NOTHING about what I'm supposed to take a test on tomorrow, I headed home. Only to be reminded that I needed to stop and get toilet paper and some chips. I call to pick up the kid and we proceed to fight because she doesn't want to come home and I dont' want to go back out later to get her. I was so tired and so frazzled and so hungry by the time I got out of the store that I bought a bag of robin eggs (like whoppers) and yes the bag was opened and partially comsumed prior to me leaving the parking lot.

I get home and walk in and walk into the kitchen and my friend Shelly is in there making my supper and says "How's your day?" I was like ooooooohkay. Where's Jax? Well she's next door and by the way they are having a boy. (What makes this ironic is she doesn't know the next door neighbors and she's the mom of one of Cassidy's friends - and did I mention she's in my kitchen making supper? Just weird man). So Jax comes home, we finish the spaghetti, Shelly and Michelle take off and the neighbors come over for supper.

Are you lost yet? I sure as hell was.

And by now I'm in a T-shirt and ripped flannel pants because I don't give 2 shits who is in my house, I"m tired and crabby and hungry and I want to be comfortable.

So Tommy and Megan are having a boy and I couldn't be more excited. Their whole nursery is in Finding Nemo and it's adorable. Now I can start buying boy stuff! ha ha ha

After dinner Jax went with them to do computer whatnot and I studied.

That's my night. I did learn a little bit about what I was studying but I will get some more help tomorrow.

Tomorrow was SUPPOSED to be my day off but alas it's not, I have to work for like 4 hours because we have a scheduled downtime on Wednesday and have to make up our hours. So no day off from work till Friday. Everybody needs to work for 7 straight days right? Bah fucking humbug.

Blah blah it's time for bed. I get to sleep in tomorrow and I'm totally psyched.

Goal for tomorrow: Get a B on the test. Not expecting anything better.

Joey's Tip O' the Day: If you are convinced that your towels have been sucked into the black hole of the earth's core, just look in your kid's room. They are there. Just laying there, not being picked up or washed. Damn kids. But at least I don't have to buy more. You're welcome.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!