A few more days, bear with me! 2006-03-08 8:53 a.m. The school carnival was fun. We did the cake walk I don't know how many times. I was the only one who was lucky. For as many times as we all went through you'd think we should have come home with more. But luck wasn't on their sides that night. I came home with some type of fudge cake that tastes like brownies and some frosted cupcakes. The frosting is really fluffy and it stains your face, hands and teeth whatever color it is. Lovely.

Monday I went full speed ahead and didn't stop until about 14 hours had passed. I was pooped.

Went to class last night and took the test. I'm a bit nervous because it went really fast and I was done WAY before everybody else. So that makes me think I must have sucked big time. But who knows.

So after the test I want to go get something to drink and go to the bathroom and whatever. I check the clock and it's after 5:00 so I figure the coast is clear. See, Eric has a class or something at 5 so he usually gets there just a few minutes before or right at 5 and I always see him in the hall. So I figured if I waited until AFTER 5:00 then I wouldn't see him at all.

Wrong bucko.

I left the room at about 5 after 5 or so and not only is he LATE to his class, he comes back out!!! He's never done that before. So I'm sitting in the hallway on my phone talking to the Jax and the kid and he walks right by me. I give him a half assed wave, didn't want to be a TOTAL bitch. He goes to the bathroom or something and then heads over to the vending machine. I'm freaking out and realizing the only way I'm going to avoid talking to him is go back into my classroom. I'm trying to tell Jax I'm heading back to the classroom but can't talk loud because he'll hear me and she can't figure out what's going on and I'm almost ready to step into the classroom so I flip the phone shut and I've hung up on her and I've escaped Eric.


At this point I still have like 40 minutes until lecture starts. I don't want to sit there. People are still taking their tests and I can't interrupt them. So I sit there for like 5-10 minutes reading my book and then I get up and leave again. *sigh of relief*. The coast is clear again. This had better NOT be a game of cat and mouse. Really, I have no desire to do that. But if I have to do it to keep avoiding him I will.

So I've learned my lesson and that is to bring some other homework (like A&P for example) to class with me on the days I have tests that way I can take a quickie little break and then get some homework done in advance so I'm not left in the hallways alone vulnerable to having to see him and act like I'm nice. (I mean I AM nice, but I don't want to be nice to HIM).

So yeah, that was my night.

I have a bone to pick with ABC and whoever else is responsible for "The Bachelor". I mean seriously. It's been pretty evident that these shows don't work out. How many couples have stayed together? Do the math folks. I watched the last one, got excited when he picked Sarah and was psyched to start seeing them on TV the following day. Then I saw....NOTHING. No interviews, no appearances, no stories. NOTHING. I figured it out they weren't even together anymore. I mean they didn't even make it to the show's finale for christ's sakes. I am so disappointed and I feel like such a fool for watching it and thinking they might actually still be together.

The way they do that after the show is actually taped and while it is airing is just completely insanely stupid and moronic. And I'm pissed off at ABC for it. So from this day forward I am boycotting the Bachelor and it's red headed stepchild The Bachelorette.

In Hollywood the news goes like this:

Britney is unfortunetely still married to that scumbag of a husband of hers with rumors she's knocked up again. So apparently when she started dating him she had a total lobotomy and will just roam the streets of Hollywood holding his hand and eating cheetos. Or if tradition holds true, he'll leave her while she's pregnant with the second and she'll stick his ass with child support that he'll unlikely be able to pay since his rap album will be in the toilet faster than The Bachelor.

Katie Holmes is still with the crazy scientologist Tom Cruise who has probably performed 8423 ultrsounds by now confirming that his son's penis is in fact, larger than his.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are still in some foreign country somewhere playing house and seeing if they can in fact stay in one country for more than 3 days. Oh and instead of collecting spoons from each country or mugs or shot glasses like most normal people, they are collecting kids. Weird.

And somewhere in the United States, probably Miami, Matt Damon is still pining for me.

G'Day all.

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!