Don't thank just me 2006-03-19 8:15 p.m. Much snow on the ground and we're just getting started. I can't believe we're going to have a foot or more before this whole thing is over.

We did go out into this stuff this afternoon to go see a high school musical. They did "Children of Eden". This is the high school that I graduated from.

All I can say is......


I have never seen such talent out of high school kids. I mean I don't go to high school stuff much anymore so I'm not exposed to it on a daily basis. And I'm quite sure that the talent at THIS particular school is so out of the realm compared to other high schools but still, did these kids pop out of their mother's wombs singing like this? Nobody when I went to high school sang like that at 16 and 17. My junior and senior year I had to go take voice lessons from a college professor in the next town over because my vocal teacher couldn't do any more with me. I was pretty decent back in the day. But I'll tell you what. I couldn't hold a fucking candle to any of those kids I saw today. Unfuckingbelievable. And I am so glad I was there to witness it.

Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. She will be 59. It's so hard to believe she's a year away from being 60. It's so weird, our parents just shouldn't be that old. It's like you think they'll always be the same age. Well that isn't true. Wow she's almost 60. And believe me, she doesn't look like it. She looks pretty damn good for being 59 tomorrow. And she's funny as hell. The best thing is she doesn't even try to be funny, she just is. Yesterday I said something really funny. It was a bit rude and slightly inappropriate so my mom goes "Joey!!!" and hit me on the arm but you know what? She was laughing her ass off about it. Because it WAS funny. But she thought as my mother she had to get after me. We went to this craft show thingie and she got this plaque that said "My husband is retired, please save me" and I laughed my ass off. Isn't that the truth!

Looks like the kid won't have school tomorrow. They've called off all the other schools in town so there's no way she'll have it. 18 inches by the time it's all done. Although I don't think we'll get that much.

My daddy called me tonight (didn't I just sound like I was 8????) and we chatted for a bit and then he told me how very proud of me he was. That really meant a lot. He said he knew how hard it was to be a single mom and going back to school like I am doing. I'd love to say I'm doing it all by myself with no help from anybody but boy would I be a liar. I am putting in the work of studying and going to school yes, but I'd be a liar to say I'm taking on school, work, and most importantly family life by myself.

I have my bestest friend taking up most of the load around this house. During the week I don't have to cook, clean, or run Cassidy here, there or anywhere. I don't have to do laundry, clean up after dinner, take out the trash or even make my own fucking bed. It is all done for me. That is why I can't say I do it all by myself. I know I'll miss her when she leaves soon because she has this house running like well oiled machine and I'm just living here. When she goes back home and I have to do all the cooking and cleaning and laundry on top of working 10 hour shifts and studying and going to class, THEN I'll be screwed. But for now, don't feel sorry for me or think I'm taking all the burden because I'm not. Not even close. Thanks Jax, you make my life so easy to live.

With that, Dr. McDreamy is on VERY soon so I need to go.

*drools* Patrick Dempsey, will you come examine me?? hehehe

Sweet dreams for me!

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::I AM

A 30-something mom, sarcastic, funny, goofy, dorky, sometimes smart, very emotional, entertaining and always unpredictable.


Sleeping in, chocolate, catching up on my DVR, reading for the hell of it, being a college student, my daughter to pieces, my friends and family, US Weekly magazine, diet coke, Reality TV, my computer, puppies and things that make me cry in a good way.


Seafood, spinach, liver, when my jeans are too short, not having enough sleep, PMSing, cleaning house, people who knowingly lie to your face, most country music and that "Laffy Taffy" song!